Tag Archives: fixtures and jigs

Jig Fabrication|Philippines

Amicitia Jig Fabrication

Jig fabrication is the first step to an effective efficient manufacturing process.

What is a Jig?

A jig is device designed to have one specific purpose, which is to secure two or more parts in a manufacturing process in order to attach, weld, or otherwise fuse two components together.

Jigs are often referred to as templates, and have been in use long before the industrial age came about. There are many types of jigs, and each one is custom made to do a specific job. Amicitia specializes in jig fabrication for all types of manufacturing.

Jig and Fixture Fabrication

Many jigs are made because there is a necessity to do so by the manufacturer of certain products. Some are made to increase productivity through consistency, and to do repetitive activities. They are also used to do a job more precisely and accurately. Jigs may be well suited for frequent use, or may be improvised for a single project, depending on the task at hand.

A jig is often confused with a fixture. Fixtures only have one purpose, jigs are dual purpose. Fixture holds the work in a secure position, while a jig includes the tooling process along with securing the material. A jig is a device that does both functions, holds the work, and serves as a guiding a tool is called a jig.

The primary purpose of jig fabrication is to provide efficiency, accuracy, repeatability, and interchangeability in the manufacturing of products. Most of us have had a key made. Key machines are a perfect example of the basic jig. The original key is used as a jig template so the new key can have the same cut as the old one.

CNC Machining and Jigs

Since advancements in automation with computers numerically controlling the machining process (CNC machining), standard jigs have become all but a thing of the past. CNC images

Jigs are often not required for many machining projects because the tool path is digitally programmed and stored in the computer memory. This cuts machining time down significantly, but there are certain tasks that CNC just cannot perform.

Jigs of today are mainly created to perform certain tasks that are not with the scope of the CNC process. CNC can be useful in the manufacturing of the jig.

This is where Amicitia can assist in your custom jig fabrication for specific product manufacturing needs.

Some forms of jig fabrication are a practical solution for manufacturing in volume, tight tolerances, and intricate processes. This is another area of expertise for Amicitia; they can build jigs that are extremely intricate for precision works.

 Amicitia can build a jig for just about any manufacturing process. The right jig can provide productivity advantages that more than make up for the cost spent building it, thus increasing your ROI.

To learn more about how Amicitia can help you increase your productivity, through jig fabrication and automation contact us today.