Amicitia Business

Amicitia specializes in all types of industrial business solutions, offering a wide variety of products to meet today’s industrial and commecial demands.


Fabrication of parts and fixtures that can be made to order according to your specifacations.

Fabrication can range from stamping to precision tooling parts and fixtures working with a wide range of various metals and materials.

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What ever your industrial business needs are, Amicitia can meet your tooling requirements.

Design for Manufacturability

This is also sometimes known as design for manufacturing or DFM is the general engineering art of designing products in a way that makes them easy to manufacture.

The Design for Manufactuability concept exists in almost all engineering disciplines, but the implementation differs widely.

Manufacturing technology can vary in these areas depending on the technology used for the manufacting. Amicitia uses various methods according to the latest technology available.

DFM describes the process of designing or engineering a product in order to facilitate the manufacturing process in order to reduce its manufacturing costs.

DFM will allow potential problems to be fixed in the design phase which is the least expensive place to address them. Other factors may affect the manufacturability such as the type of raw material, and the formation of the raw material, dimensional tolerances, and secondary processing such as finishing. Amicitia specializes in solving these issues to provide solutions

Depending on various types of manufacturing processes there are set guidelines for DFM practices. These DFM guidelines help to precisely define various tolerances, rules and common manufacturing checks related to DFM.

While DFM is applicable to the design process, a similar concept called DFSS (Design for Six Sigma) is also practiced in many organizations including Amicitia.

For more information on how Amicitia can help you design your products for easy manufacturing please contact us.

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